Saturday 11 January 2014

Context that Changed Design - Entry #29

More about Post-Modernism ……”

Post-modern designers revealed the recognition of more than one cultural fundamental principle, followed new ideas and also used symbolism in order to surpass national boundaries.  Such “symbolic objects” had forms and motifs similar to those found in past decorative styles – such as Classicism, Art Deco, Constructivism and De Stijl.  Sometimes they also referred to Surrealism, Kitsch and images related to the computer.


Well-known Post-modern designers that I have not mentioned yet include Mario Botta, Andrea Branzi, Michele de Lucchi, Nathalie du Pasquier, Arata Isozaki, Shiro Kuramata, Richard Meier, Aldo Rossi, Peter Shire, George Sowden, Matteo Thun and Masanori Umeda.  Their eye-catching designs for ceramics, textiles, jewellery, watches, silverware, furniture and lighting were made on a limited-scale by companies that include Alessi, Artemide, Alias, Cassina, Formica, Cleto Munari, Poltronova, Sunar, Swid Powell and Draenert Studio.

Quittenbaum, (2013), Frankfurter Stuhl 'F3' [ONLINE].
[Accessed 11 January 14]
studyblue, (2013), last test/ final exam flash cards [ONLINE]. Available at:
 [Accessed 11 January 14]

.docstoc, (2013), 523-651.docx [ONLINE].

 [Accessed 11 January 14]

 File:Stainless steel kettle "Il Conico" (designed by Aldo Rossi).png
Wikipedia, (2014), Stainless steel kettle Il Conico, 1986 [ONLINE].
[Accessed 11 January 14]

However, as the Post-Modern designer Hans Hollein (whom I mentioned when I wrote about the Art Deco Revival) remarked, Post-modern products were not made for all social classes.  Since Post-Modernism rejected the industrial process, the objects produced in this style were afforded by the society’s élite, so in a way it was like a victory of Capitalism over the Modernism’s social ideas. 


One other thing was that, since Post-Modernism derived from various sources, it was reflecting not only the dominance of individualism, but also the disconnected nature of society that was developing in the 1980s.


Post-Modernism flourished, and by the late 1980s it had become even more stylistically distinct.  However, at the beginning of the 1990s, the global recession led the designers to look for more rational approaches to design, that were also less expressive.  Due to this, the fascination for Post-Modernism began to decrease, and the prominent Anti-Design of the 1980s was replaced by the extreme simplicity of the 1990s’ Minimalism.  Still, the influence of Post-Modernism remains in existence nowadays.  Since Post-Modernism questions Modernism, this brings about reassessment, and so reassessment of what is absolutely necessary in design, which is very important, continues to exist.



Other Reference:

Book: Fiell, C.F and P.F, (1999). Design of the 20th Century. 2nd ed. Germany: Taschen



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